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Boost AOV: WooCommerce Product Recommendations Review

Boost AOV: WooCommerce Product Recommendations Review

WooCommerce Product Recommendations Plugin Review

Maximize your WooCommerce sales with diverse product recommendations. Explore the WooCommerce Product Recommendations plugin now…

In eCommerce, maximizing the average order value is crucial for sustained growth. And this is where the WebToffee’s WooCommerce Product Recommendations plugin shines. 

In this review, we explore how this tool can help increase your sales and revenue, the multiple types of recommendations you can create, the different features available, and more. 

WooCommerce Product Recommendations: An Overview 

Source: Webtoffee

The WooCommerce Product Recommendation plugin from WebToffee unlocks great potential for eCommerce store owners with its myriad of features. You can craft various product suggestions like ‘Frequently bought together,’ ‘Bestsellers,’ ‘Top-rated,’ ‘Recently viewed,’ ‘New arrivals,’ and much more.

The best thing is that you can easily integrate the recommendations into any page on the website. From shop pages to checkout pages, the possibilities for showing off your products extend beyond just the product pages.

In addition, you can create custom product recommendations to align with your customer preferences and store promotions. This makes it more effective as the shoppers can resonate with the personalized recommendations this feature enables store owners to offer.

How to Craft Product Recommendations with the Plugin?

  1. After purchasing the plugin, upload, install, and activate it in your WordPress dashboard.

WordPress dashboard

  1. Head over to Product Recommendations in the WooCommerce tab in the sidebar menu. 

Product Recommendations Plugin

  1. Click on Create Recommendation.

Source: Webtoffee

  1. Select a page on which you want the recommendation to appear.

Source: Webtoffee

  • Choose from the available campaign templates or create a custom recommendation.
  • In the Manage Recommendations page, customize the recommendation as you want, from its title to placement. There are four settings.
  • Recommendation Title: Title your product recommendations as to your preference.
  • Display Conditions: Define display conditions or filters for advanced targeting.
  • Sort products by: Set the sorting order of the recommendations.
  • Visual Preferences: Decide on the positioning and the number of products to be displayed. The Visual guides shows a preview of all the possibilities to choose from. 
  • Click on Create Recommendation.

The General Settings page allows you to customize the layouts and presentation of the recommendation section. 

Note that when selecting a page, only the recommendations that can be displayed on that specific page will be listed under the Popular product recommendations.

For more details, refer to the documentation guide.

Why Choose this Plugin?

The WooCommerce Product Recommendations plugin is a subtle yet powerful tool for merchants aiming to boost their revenue. Rather than overtly pushing products, it guides customers toward products that they would like. This not only makes it all the more organic but enhances the customer experience. 

With this plugin, you can create diverse recommendation campaigns tailored to your business goals. Be it suggesting complementary products or highlighting trending ones, the plugin has it all.


  • Advanced recommendation campaigns such as recently viewed, new arrivals, and more
  • Craft custom recommendations based on individual store promotions and seasonal offers
  • Integrate recommendations on multiple pages
  • Recommend specific products, categories, or tags using conditional filters
  • Pre-defined recommendation campaigns, including Bestsellers, Related Products, Frequently Bought together, and more
  • Offers both slider and grid format to display recommendations
  • Various sorting options 
  • Out-of-stock items can be hidden 

Different Recommendations Campaigns offered by the Plugin

Let’s look into the different recommendation templates the plugin offers.

1. Related Products

Recommending related products enables store owners to offer customers potential substitutes and superior alternatives. This helps promote upselling and cross-selling possibilities, resulting in a boost in the AOV. 

In addition, showing a comparison of similar products can help them navigate the available choices, resulting in better engagement and customer satisfaction.

The recommendation algorithm analyzes products of similar categories, tags, and attributes to suggest relevant products. 

2. Bestsellers

Bestseller recommendations capitalize on your top-performing products to drive more sales. By highlighting the best-selling products, you can harness social proof and product popularity to persuade customers to take action. 

Showcasing bestsellers not only better appeal to customers but also communicates trustworthiness. 

The bestsellers in the store are decided based on sales data and are sorted according to shoppers’ preferences. There are various sorting options you can choose from. 

3. Top-Rated Products

Top-rated products utilize social proof to guide customers to a store's highly regarded products. The boost in confidence can lead to a faster purchase decision. This strategy drives sales by focusing on quality that is assured by fellow shoppers.

Here, the top-rated recommendations campaign takes into consideration the best-rated products by the shoppers and, by default, sorts them from highest to lowest. Other sorting options are available, too. 

4. Frequently Bought Together

The Frequently Bought Together recommendations leverage a shopper’s purchase history to suggest complementary products bundled, sometimes at discounted prices. This creates cross-selling opportunities, helping boost conversions through add-on products. 

Even if the customer doesn’t proceed with the recommendation initially, the suggestion could still impact their future purchase decisions. As a result, they are prompted to revisit the product page, that can enhance the performance of their initial purchase. 

Store owners can also unbundle the products for individual sale if they notice a surge in demand for the recommended bundle.

5. New arrivals

Promoting the latest products helps them gain sales traction while also enticing customers to explore the store. Coupled with incentives like discounts and coupons, the products can be made more appealing to customers, leading to potential purchases. 

6. Recently Viewed

The Recently Viewed recommendations showcase products that the customer previously viewed, reinforcing potential sales as forgotten interests resurface. This not only nurtures customer satisfaction but also boosts conversions. 

7. Hotsellers

Hotseller recommendations direct customers towards fast-selling products. Store owners benefit from highlighting highly demanded products, aiding in clearing inventory and boosting revenue. By showcasing such products, you can tap into customers' need to conform with the masses, leading to potential sales and customer satisfaction.

8. Trending Now

The Trending Now recommendation campaign leverages consumer interest in staying with the latest trends and suggests products currently in vogue. 

The recommendation algorithm highlights products created within the last 30 days and trending for the past week. 

9. Our Picks for You

Implementing the Our Picks for You recommendation offers store owners a streamlined approach to cater to customer preferences more subtly. By suggesting products that align with their viewing history and related products, it creates personalized recommendations for shoppers.

It presents the product suggestions in a manner that feels organic and tailor-made for each customer. This enhances credibility as customers perceive the recommendations as suggestions from the store rather than being random. 

10. Similar Products

Recommending Similar Products holds significant relevance in boosting sales. Highlighting products that are closely related to what customers have viewed or are currently browsing helps leverage existing interests. 

It is similar to Related Products in this manner but differs in one crucial aspect. Similar Products only displays the range of products within a 10% deviation in price. This ensures affordability and maintains appeal.  

11. Did you forget these?

“Did you forget these?” directs customers to products they had previously viewed. This recommendation is only exclusive to the cart page. By reminding customers of products they had shown interest in, the likelihood of potential sales can be increased.

12. Here are some alternatives

This recommendation strategy provides a great solution for out-of-stock products by suggesting similar alternatives to customers. This not only offers convenience to customers but also benefits store owners in retaining potential sales that might otherwise be lost.

13. Uh oh! Here is what you were looking for

This strategy helps store owners address the frustration of customers landing on no-result pages. It redirects customers to relevant products, retaining otherwise lost potential sales. It also helps increase customer retention by resolving their immediate concerns.

Create your own product recommendation

The custom recommendations feature offers store owners flexibility in showcasing specific products according to their store promotions or seasonal offers. This allows them to strategically highlight products that align with their current marketing initiatives, thereby driving potential sales. 

Tailored recommendations enable them to cater to evolving needs, preferences, and trends that are vital to driving engagement and loyalty. 

Needless to say, this feature is dynamic. Store owners can curate their offerings in line with their unique strategies, increasing their overall effectiveness.


To conclude, the WooCommerce Product Recommendations plugin is a powerful ally for eCommerce growth. Store owners can leverage its diverse features to prompt customers towards relevant products. 

Also, integrating the right kind of recommendations across multiple pages enables store owners to better influence the customer based on where they are on the purchasing journey.

Added to that is a user-friendly interface that empowers store owners to easily create and customize recommendations, as well as capitalize on upselling and cross-selling opportunities, leading to increased revenue and AOV.

Masum Billah

Authored By Masum Billah

My professional SEO and web development services are designed to deliver page one rankings in the major search engines. For your peace of mind, we only use safe, ethical and white hat SEO strategies! If you’re interested in working with me please drop me a line

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